You’ve heard of death by 1000 cuts, right? Well our dream this summer is that we turn that phrase on its head. We want to partner with 1000 youth groups across the state with one goal in mind: Students helping students. We call it “Life By 1000 Churches”. Here at Circle of Care, Inc, our hope is to provide students and youth groups with an opportunity to help other kids just like them. Students who live in their neighborhoods, go to their schools, and attend their churches. Students who are in transition. Students who are part of the foster care system and have been forever impacted by their engagement with the child welfare system. Students who need help, healing and hope.

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Our challenge is simple: 1 Event. 1 Night. Raise $500 for students in need. If we can get 1000 youth groups to participate in this cause, we will raise half a million dollars for students across the state, just like you, who need to know that even when their families are facing really tough times, life can be good and they are going to be ok. Circle of Care is the largest private provider of foster care services in the state, and served over 500 children and youth last year.  In fact, we’ve been taking care of students in need for 107 years and we need your help to reach more families in Oklahoma. Will you take a small step with us towards our goal?

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